by Simon Lock | Jun 10, 2020 | Central and South America, Europe, Middle East, Service Dog Savvy
(Before I turn this space over to Simon, here are two suggestions that might be helpful. Updated in June 2020. (1) The following information, in most cases, applies to pets in general. If you’re planning to take your furry friend outside the U.S., always check the...
by Simon Lock | Apr 26, 2019 | Accommodation, Central and South America
Part of a trip to the Andes of Peru should include Lake Titicaca and the floating islands of Uros. And a visit to the world’s highest navigable lake would not be complete without a cultural visit that includes an overnight stay with a family on the island Amantani and...
by Simon Lock | Apr 5, 2019 | Central and South America, Travel
A Journey into the Sacred Valley of the Incas Penny’s encounter with the H1N1 strain of swine flu and her struggles with her breathing made me start to reminisce about my own struggles with breathing at the high elevations I encountered during my visit to Peru. In...
by Simon Lock | Mar 22, 2019 | Central and South America, Travel
Make Sure Your Body Receives Enough Oxygen Tossing and turning in my bed and struggling to get enough air into my lungs I finally had to admit that even after a full week in Cusco I had still not completely acclimatized to the altitude. I am now reliving some of my...
by Penny Zibula | Dec 29, 2017 | Central and South America, Europe, Middle East, North America, Travel
The Good, The Great, and the Bittersweet As I write my last post for 2017, it’s 26˚F outside. There’s no snow on the ground, but it’s bloody cold! I’m sitting in the comfy recliner in my warm office, wrapped in a cozy blanket, lap desk and laptop resting securely on...
by Penny Zibula | Mar 3, 2017 | Central and South America, Food & Beverage, Travel
Panamanian Paradise Found It’s a sunny day in Boquete, Panama. The temperature is in the mid-70’s with a light breeze. Simon and I are working at the round table on the patio at the casita that has been our home for the past two months. Otto, as usual, is basking in...