by Penny Zibula | Aug 18, 2017 | Europe, Travel
Sevilla The fourth largest city in Spain and the capitol of Andalusia, Sevilla has a laid-back charm that’s hard to beat. Parade of Conquerers Although legend has it that Sevilla was founded by Hercules, the area saw a variety of occupiers, including Phoenicians and...
by Penny Zibula | Aug 11, 2017 | Europe, Travel
Cordoba, Sevilla and Granada Are Waiting to Embrace You If Madrid is Spain’s heart, Andalusia including the cities of Cordoba, Sevilla and Granada own a large piece of its soul. It is a region of majestic mountains, sun-drenched beaches, turbulent history, mind...
by Penny Zibula | Jun 30, 2017 | Europe, Travel
This Lake District Wonderland Rises From the Ashes of Excess and Neglect. The sun was out. Perhaps not exactly a reason to get wildly excited, but after a week of continuous rain throughout our visit to England, Simon Otto and I were absolutely elated. Aside from the... by Penny Zibula | May 5, 2017 | Europe, Hints for Happier Travels, Travel
Warning! Volunteer Just Once for this Unique Language Program, and You’ll Be Hooked For Life. When Simon and I discovered Diverbo Pueblo Ingles nearly 15 years ago, it was one of those random events that would later prove to be life-altering. We were living in Atlanta... by Penny Zibula | Apr 27, 2017 | Europe, Travel
You Never Know What Surprises Can Be Found in a Historic Portuguese Palace We were in the historic town of Guimaraes, Portugal to explore the medieval core of the town and then move on. But we discovered an unexpected treat in the town’s restored 15th century Ducal...
by Penny Zibula | Apr 21, 2017 | Accommodation, Europe, Travel, Travel Tips
This Friendly Hotel Offers Casual Comfort In England’s Gateway to the North. When Simon, Otto and I travel, we make a conscious effort to avoid chain hotels whenever possible. The reason is the moderately priced establishments tend to be stuffy, uninteresting and...