by Penny Zibula | Dec 29, 2017 | Central and South America, Europe, Middle East, North America, Travel
The Good, The Great, and the Bittersweet As I write my last post for 2017, it’s 26˚F outside. There’s no snow on the ground, but it’s bloody cold! I’m sitting in the comfy recliner in my warm office, wrapped in a cozy blanket, lap desk and laptop resting securely on...
by Penny Zibula | Oct 6, 2017 | Europe, Travel Tips
Exploring the Works of Barcelona’s Most Famous Architect and his Peers Following our first Barcelona walking tour with Leon Parris, Simon, Otto and I jumped at the opportunity to let this remarkable guide lead us through the city’s most famous architectural sites...
by Penny Zibula | Aug 25, 2017 | Europe, Travel
Granada Granada is a city of contradictions. Its history is equal parts seductive beauty and repulsive acts, unwavering courage and unfathomable cruelty, industriousness and destructiveness, glory and shame. Granada beckons you to walk its narrow streets and sit in...
by Penny Zibula | Aug 18, 2017 | Europe, Travel
Sevilla The fourth largest city in Spain and the capitol of Andalusia, Sevilla has a laid-back charm that’s hard to beat. Parade of Conquerers Although legend has it that Sevilla was founded by Hercules, the area saw a variety of occupiers, including Phoenicians and...
by Penny Zibula | Aug 11, 2017 | Europe, Travel
Cordoba, Sevilla and Granada Are Waiting to Embrace You If Madrid is Spain’s heart, Andalusia including the cities of Cordoba, Sevilla and Granada own a large piece of its soul. It is a region of majestic mountains, sun-drenched beaches, turbulent history, mind...