by Penny Zibula | Dec 6, 2018 | Food & Beverage, Travel Tips
This Tasty Spread is Northern Grown but Southern Owned. We thought we knew Charlotte, North Carolina, well. After all, our eldest son lives there. But in our never-ending quest to always look for the surprises, we came face-to-face with Charlotteans’ shameless...
by Penny Zibula | Dec 29, 2017 | Central and South America, Europe, Middle East, North America, Travel
The Good, The Great, and the Bittersweet As I write my last post for 2017, it’s 26˚F outside. There’s no snow on the ground, but it’s bloody cold! I’m sitting in the comfy recliner in my warm office, wrapped in a cozy blanket, lap desk and laptop resting securely on...
by Penny Zibula | Oct 20, 2017 | Food & Beverage, North America, Travel, Travel Tips
His Deliciously Unconventional Line-up keeps Them Lining Up. The next time you’re in Charlotte, NC, head uptown to the corner of 4th and Tryon streets. There’s something I’d like you to see. I can just hear you say, “A hotdog cart?” But stay with me here. Acquaint...
by Penny Zibula | Sep 1, 2017 | Food & Beverage, North America, Travel Tips
A Tantalizing Taste of Ireland in the Heart of Charlotte, NC. Great Wagon Road Distilling Company, (GWR) is “a place with character, built by a character.” When I first saw those words on the website, it made me smiled. But when Simon, Otto and I met GWR founder and...