by Penny Zibula | Aug 4, 2017 | Road Reads, Travel Tips
Oh, How We Wish Those Boys Were Real The term, “long road trip,” is relative. For some, it means anything over 50 miles. For others, it’s anything over 500 miles. For Simon and me, it’s 300 miles or more, because we can read an audio book – or a good part of one...
by Penny Zibula | Feb 10, 2017 | Road Reads, Travel Tips, Uncategorized
What Happens When Mystery Spawns Creativity “Girl with a Pearl Earring”, was both a book club and road read in 2006. We were driving back and forth between our home in Atlanta and New Bern, getting what was supposed to be our new life in order. And because my heart... by Penny Zibula | Nov 25, 2016 | Road Reads
Invisible by James Patterson and David Ellis. If nothing else, “Invisible” is the perfect road read if you want to insure not falling asleep at the wheel. Four hours from home on our return trip from Montreal, we had completed one book, and there was too much driving... by Penny Zibula | Oct 7, 2016 | Road Reads
The A B Cs of Murder Simon and I have read all kinds of fiction and nonfiction audio books to pass the miles on long road trips. From books that made us think to stories that gave us chills. With the exception of romance novels, we’ve covered most genres. Lately,...
by Penny Zibula | Jul 3, 2015 | Road Reads
So Disturbing and Inspiring, You Can’t Switch It Off Betrayal, guilt and a chance for redemption are the themes that flow like blood through this 2003 novel about fathers, sons, friends and 30 years of the tragedy that is Afghanistan. The summer of 2006 found us...
by Penny Zibula | Oct 21, 2014 | Road Reads
Me Before You ~ by JoJo Moyes “Me Before You” is a novel about a young man who has everything until he finds himself paralyzed from the neck down. Enter his new female caregiver. Now, just forget everything you’ve ever read about battered boy meets gutsy girl –...